[H] Tarren Mill <Malevolent Fury> HC Raiding Guild

Malevolent Fury are a “Casual” Raiding guild who raid Thursdays and Sundays from 18:45 Server time.

We use the word casual because although we take the progression seriously, we don’t let it detract from the fun, nobody is getting screamed at or kicked for failing, nobody is getting loot banned.

The main focus is killing bosses and progressing whilst having a laugh with each other. If bad taste humour and drinking beer while you’re raiding is your thing then this could well be the place for you.

We have an established raid team and require a couple of additional players for Season 4 and War Within and beyond, all roles and specs are welcome as we have multiple players who enjoy all specs and we can figure out our comp after that.

If you are interested you can message any of the officers:

Carnage - discord: ridd_dr
Murmandamus - discord: murmandamus
Bob - discord: canyouflybob
Jimmy - discord: rosharr