[H] [Tarren-Mill] <Mutineers> 2/10M - Recruiting / Merger

Hey all,

Similar to other posts, after our guild got curve about half the team got burned out on content before mythic or went to try classic for a while,the team that stayed we have all pugged to 2/10 mythic but would rather have a stable and consistent team each week, currently were open to a merger for a guild with similar or slightly lowered progression than we are or recruits to fill in the blanks.

We raid Thursdays and Fridays 9-12pm Server Time.

Recruiting wise were short a mythic geared tank ideally DH, and 5-6 Dps.

With regards to a merger they are always difficult to make work but we are flexible and hope you can be also for the sake of consistent high end content.

If your interested add me on battle.net @ ZugZug#21105

Or on discord - Yasuo#1338

Thank you to all who respond and have a good day/night.

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While we have had some guilds show an interest we are still looking for a guild which fits, in the interest of better, consistent high end content and both gaining long term and dedicated players.


If you feel your guild can offer this do not hesitate to get in touch as above.

In the interim, now looking for the following to boost our numbers;


Druid, Shaman, Paladin

Hey :slight_smile:

Check us out → [H][EU][⋆ Divide et Impera ⋆] is looking for Dedicated Raiders for its Main Core