Team Gorgeous is a semi-hardcore guild looking to improve our roster to push for Mythic raiding. We currently have 6/10 on Mythic.
We raid Monday & Thursdays 8PM - 11PM server time and use discord.
Currently considering all ranged DPS for the raid team, however we are happy for anyone who wants to join either as a social, mythic plus player or a bench player regardless of class!
Feel free to add me on (Kalisnoir#2160) if you’d like to speak more.
Posted this from the wrong character! See this character for armory links
Still looking for more Range, Hunter and Lock preferably for finishing HC, Currently 6/10HC.
Socialites and M+ Runners more than welcome.
Feel free to harass anyone one in the guild Or contact the panda above 
Still in need of a Hunter and Possibly a Lock to Finish up HC.
Still recruiting for a few more highly skilled raiders, especially warrior or lock as well as all social members welcome
Looking to recruit RDPS - Mage/Lock to push Sire HC P3 and continue into Mythic.
Socials and M+ runners more than welcome to bolster the team.
Feel free to contact Llewellyn#21238
Still looking for exceptional and consistent raiders to push mythic with, we are now 10/10 heroic and average around 20 players per raid.
Happy to also recruit socials too.
Add my in the original post if you’re interested or have any questions
We are a bunch of friends who left our previous guild to find a new home.
What classes we play
Druid, healer 210 item level, can also dps if needed.
Priest, healer 206 item level.
Hunter, 213 item level.
We have CN HC 7/10 experience.
What are we looking for
A friendly mature guild.
Prefered with active discord.
People in the guild which like to do M+
Druid is 840 RIO and hunter 817 RIO and looking to improve our selves in M+
Furthermore we all would like to raid in a friendly environment, but who also like to improve their gameplay.
Prefered 2-3 raid days.
Pleased to hear if we can find a new home 
Thanks for reading.
If interested.
Please reply below or please contact me at discord: Mikkolo#2181, Kim#2179
Bump! The raid team is full for melee roles so only looking for ranged although happy to take anyone under a social role
Looking for some more range Lock/Mage Ideally to continue pushing through. Mythic CN, 2/10Mythic. M+ and Socials always welcomed 
Quick recruitment update for continuing into Mythic CN.
Priest- Disco/Holy
Druid- Resto/Balance
thanks in advance 
Still in need of a Disc priest and a warlock to continue our way through Mythic 
Bump looking for DPS / healer
Bump, updated DPS roles required
BNET Kalisnoir#2160
Are you ravishingly gorgeous? Disgustingly good at the game? One of the specs we’re looking for (Warlock/Boomkin/Warrior/Hunter/Shammy/Wind Walker)? Me neither but we could be looking for you anyway! Drop me a message on battle net (Kalisnoir#2160) and lets get spicey.
Boop! Looking for some stone cold stunners to give Denathrius and the boys down at Castle Nath a good seeing to, looking for some real strong bois!
We raid Monday & Thursdays 8PM - 11PM server time and use discord.
LF very skilled DPS - Boomkin/Hunter/Shammy/Monk.
Feel free to add me on (Kalisnoir#2160) if you’d like to speak more.
Also accepting Mythic+ / social players
Beep Bop Bump! Looking for people with some tasty DPS numbers for the Mythic raiding team, we also take in those who are just looking for a place to chill out or run Mythic keys!
Monday/Thursday 8-11pm server time
We’re a semi-hardcore team who want to progress but still maintain a relaxed atmosphere where people can still enjoy the game without a toxic atmosphere.
Hit me up on (Kalisnoir#2160) if you’d like to speak more.
Hello from the Mythic side! We’re currently on 4/10 (and very very close to 5/10, I promise!)
We’re a strong group but looking to bolster the ranks a little so looking for a new tank and one or two new DPS players who can jump straight into raiding with us.
LF Tank (Will consider all)
LF DPS - Warlock/Boomkin/Warrior/Hunter/Shammy/Monk.
If you’re not what we’re looking for then we’d still be happy to have you join for the bench / social / mythic keys too!
Hit me up on (Kalisnoir#2160) if you’d like to speak more.
Shameless bump,
Looking for more RDPS and Warrior for continueing the slog through Myth CN.
Contact the fat panda above for more info, a nice chat or a cuddle
Still looking for a few more DPS, don’t be shy