[H] <The Late Show> new 9:30-11:30pm GMT raiding guild

Welcome to The Late Show
Faction: Horde
Raid times: 9:30 - 11:30pm GMT Monday and Thursday

What are we about
We are a brand new chilled out late night raiding guild.

We formed the guild after failing to find any raiding guild that fit in with our available play times and so we figured we can’t be the only players with this problem.

What we are looking for
As we are a brand new guild (formed 23/02/2021) we still need to build up a raid roster. We need all roles and initially are aiming to have a 3-4 main tanks, 4-5 Healers and a bunch of DPS, although we are flexible and as soon as we have enough to step into the raids we will. Basically we just want to get all the pieces in place to start making our way through the raids and have fun with a relaxed group of players. Until we get enough players to run a raid we will likely do M+ on raid nights.

What we expect of guild members
Our number one rule is ‘dont be a dick’ and as such we expect players to be relaxed and respectful of each other. In terms of experience and gear there are no strict requirements as long as you are geared and prepared appropriately for the content you are about to do I.e. Don’t expect someone to invite your fresh lvl60 to a +10 key.

How do I apply
Get in contact with an officer, either in discord or in game
Hotornot GM - Discord Hotornot#7355 - Bnet ID: Malachantrio#2477
Draeden Officer - Discord Boudi#3379
Nashmeira Officer - Discord Nash#0275
We will have a quick chat with you and can invite you as well as give you access to the member channels in discord. There is no ‘trial’ as such because we want this to be a pretty relaxed guild and ultimately this a game not a job interview

Bump from an old guildie :slight_smile: nice people

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Im interested in the option to tank for you only there is a slight problem with that i have to start over new on this server. Dont know what your idea is for raiding on long term. but after some hyatus im looking for a new guild to raid with

Edit: my Btag is Murkalot#2532 if you want to talk

Oops forgot to add my Bnet ID: Malachantrio#2477

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