[H] The Legions Requiem recruiting!

The Legions Requiem (Draenor) is a social raiding guild committed to relaxed progression and a friendly, yet focused atmosphere. We know that everyone has responsibilities outside the game, such as jobs, school, children etc. As such, we understand that people may sometimes miss raids due to prior engagements or emergencies. All we ask is that, when you are in the raid, that you’re focused on the raid. We expect our raiders and trialists to be fully gemmed and enchanted as well as supply their own potions. Flasks and food are provided by the guild.

Our Current Progress: EP: 8/8Normal 6/8Heroic
Regular Mythic+ dungeon runs with friendly folks

Did Classic kill your Guild, and you have no interest in playing it? Come join The Legions Requiem, we’ll be there for you!

Raid days:
Wednesdays 8PM-11PM (server time)
Sundays 8PM-11PM (server time)
Invites go out 15 minutes prior to start time.

We are looking for Several classes to fill out our roster.

Shaman any spec
Rogue any spec
warrior DPS
Mage any spec
hunter any spec
Healer any class / spec
Tank any class/ spec

As this is a social Guild, there’s always something going on during the offdays! We run multiple Mythic+ runs per week and our Discord is always active. We also organize special Guild events sometimes, like achievement runs, transmog runs Pvp arena’s and more! :slight_smile: We welcome new players and returning veterans alike to join us on our continued Warcraft adventures!

If you have any questions, or you would like to join TLR, please contact either:
Feenrir (bnet: wolfie #21145 Discord: lupuscaeleste #9684)
solareni (bnet: Bethan #2319 Discord: Bethan #7866 )