[H] <The Orphans Grim> [Zandalar Tribe] Recruiting!

Greeting Zandalar Tribe!

The Orphans Grim is a guild that has its roots back to Vanilla on Defias Brotherhood (RP-PVP) server. Back in the days we were one of the largest guilds on Defias, and a solid place to call home in WOW.

We have never been hardcore in anything. Neither RP, PvP or PvE. But always had players enjoying most aspects of the game. And we respect the RP ruleset of the server.

At the moment we are not a very large guild in numbers, so organised raiding is not part of what we can offer right now. But we hope to grow and to find likeminded players.

So if you seek a relaxed bunch of “older” people, just enjoying wow in a pretty casual way, we might be the place for you, and you might be the one that we are looking for! :slight_smile:

If this sounds interesting, contact any of us ingame for more information! Hope to see some of you around!

We are part of “The Older Gamers” - (Thus TOG in our name :slight_smile: ) We require our members to be 25 years old or above.

For the Orphans!


Hi mate, I have a few guldies who could be interested to move their mains into something bigger to explore some different content all togheter.
We are all 30+ yo and over, playing WoW in the past on The Venture Co. with same guild name.
We are all from Italy, from casual to more dedicated players, but family and childs are making the difference for us right now :slight_smile:
I will ping you in game to check what can we do.

Was nice chatting to you earlier Alwelok.

Howdy all other folks,

As acting Guild Leader I thought I’d add my 2c.
To echo what Chaya has posted, we are a small guild atm, in terms of activity, but have deep wow roots. Most of the members are from the original Orphans (or other TOG) vanilla guilds, so we are all old (timers). :wink:

We started well, but as with many classic guilds the nostalgia wore off for most people so we are down to a handful of regulars. We play to just have fun with friends, doing whatever makes us happy in game, mostly in the evenings.

But we are a friendly group whose core is not going anywhere, so if others are looking for a relaxed place to play, then you are welcome to try us out. Hopefully we can get our numbers up a bit in order to offer more options in the future.

Lastly, as Chaya said, we are a TOG guild, so people who wish to join do need to be a member of the Older Gamers community (which basically just requires being over 25 and joining their forums).

If you want to join The Older Gamers, you can do that here: www.theoldergamersdotcom/forums/the-barracks.11/

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