[H] <Think Of Twink>

Hello there!
It’s all about fun, right? Yeah, we are sure it is. But don’t forget, not only raids are fun! Looking for new adventure, or maybe willing to continue on the road you have entered? Are you standing on crossroads thinking which way will be more suitable for you? Think of twink!

Have you ever struggled on battlegrounds, willing to be the one and only gnomish pwnage generator? Well… Same did we! That’s why we all met here to make our dreams come true!

We are English-speaking guild, focused on twinking PvP, looking for players who want to join us on this wonderful adventure.

P.S. Just for a chat here? Well… killing the silence is still killing, so…

Don’t let your dreams be memes.
Think of twink.

Hey there feel free to add me Pribomb#2971 on bnet for a chat :slight_smile:

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