[H][Thunderhorn] <Reported> Recruiting for 2 Day a Week Raiding

Guild name: Reported
Faction: Horde
Realm: Thunderhorn/Wildhammer (EU)
Current progress: Dazar’alor - 9/9N 8/9HC 1/9M
Raid days: Thursday, Monday
Raid times: 20.00-23.00 GMT/21:00-24:00 CET

Reported is a small, tight-knit, semi-hardcore raiding guild consisting of raiders of varying experience, ranging from past hardcore raiders looking for a change of pace, to those wishing to step up and have a crack at mythic raiding. We are a welcoming bunch who enjoy many aspects of World of Warcraft with a strong friendship core dating back to 2014.

We like having a laugh and joking around, but knuckle down and give it our best shot when it’s time for progress! Our main goal is for all community members to enjoy their time with us, whether that be through raiding, tmog runs, M+ runs, random BGs, achievement hunting or whatever else we fancy doing. We also enjoy spending time together during down-time in game, often playing other games or running table-top simulator game nights to chill out with each other.

We raid 2 nights a week - Thursdays and Mondays - For 3 hours starting 20:00 GMT/21:00 CET
All we expect is for members to do their best in preparing for upcoming raids, whether that be consumables, optimising your role, or learning fight mechanics. Unfortunately, our time within Uldir was cut short due to unforseen losses within the roster, and such we are recruiting to bolster our numbers and have a better crack at Battle for Dazar’alor!

High Demand:
Rogue - All specs
Warrior - Fury/Arms
Warlock - All specs
Death knight - Frost/Unholy

Medium Demand:
Demon Hunter - Havoc
Mage - All specs
Monk - Mistweaver/Windwalker
Paladin - Holy/Retribution
Priest - Shadow
Druid - Boomkin/Feral/Restoration
Hunter - All specs

Low Demand:
Shaman - All specs
Priest - Holy/Disc
All Tank specs welcome given they have a working DPS offspec!

We ask for players wishing to join the raid team immediately to be roughly 375+ ilvl and 30+ neck level!
Any social and friendly people who wish to join us for kicks and giggles are welcome, just poke any of our officers online for an invite!

If we’ve piqued your interest, tickled your fancy, or rustled your jimmies - Apply at bit.ly/join-reported or give our officers a shout at:

On Bnet:
Plog - Plog#21843
Knine - Knine#21432
Dread - Dreadnaught#21323
Frag - Frosst#21933
Hiro -

On Discord:
Plog - Plog#5562
Knine - Knine#6490
Dread - Dreadnaught#7658
Frag - Fragarach#1990
Hiro - Hiro#9109