Titanic Swim Team (4/10 M) SoD is ALWAYS recruiting exceptional players in its class. If you consider yourself suitable for the challenge, go ahead and apply for the guild.
About us?
Is a semi-casual PvE guild, it is made up of a group of friends and players from all countries.
Note: Everyone is welcome in this guild, no matter what your goal in the game is, but with that said, then we are always looking for raiders and people with a competitive PvE mindset.
Things to keep in mind before applying if your goal is raiding: High attendance in the raids, good computer, connection and good attitude. We need COMMITTED and EFFECTIVE people with their performance and requirements.
PROGRESS SCHEDULE: 2 days of 3 hours: Mondays and Wednesday from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Server Time. Invites 6:30 p.m., (in progress is subject to change: we will extend 1 hour of raid or add some extra day if all in the roster WANTS and agrees and is accepted by the officers.)
If you want to apply to the guild, contact any officer in-game (Drahkis, Mindstylez, Uncleen or Chxf)
Battletags: Mindstylez#2148 or Champen#2246
Discord-tags: Mindstylez#5406 or Drahkis#8395