[H] [Turalyon] Old School returning player looking to heal your guild

I recently came back to WOW and TWW and am enjoying the game again and figured I’d give looking for a guild a shot.

Some background on me. I was in a progression guild back in original, Wrath, Cata and eventually slowed my game play to casual in Mists before dropping the game due to the direction. For all that time I mained a holy priest (except wrath where I went disc lol) and still love the class and role.

Im running around getting a feel for the game again and my fav classes, while also leveling my alts. I am also eyeballing healing Evoker since the class has me curios.

Currently my priest is sitting at 578 ilvl. I also have a paladin sitting at 571 ilvl.

I’m a 9-5 person living in Amsterdam, so a semi to pretty casual guild that enjoys playing in the evenings would suite me best. Looking to do mythics and raids.

Just drop me a message and we can chat! Or just toss me a discord as well and i’ll swing by.