[h] [twisting nether] 8/8 hc 2/8 m <unity path> looking for raiders!

Hey all,

To begin with, I want to give a brief overview of our guild’s history and current situation.

We created Unity Path as 6 fellow raiders from another guild, when that guild decided to stop raiding. It was around patch 7.1 and we have been raiding as a guild since then. Our founder team consisted of 6 people, but right now there are just 2 original founders left that play with us. We found some good members during our journey - we created a solid core for our guild. However, we struggled during legion as a newly founded, neither hardcore nor casual raiding guild. We lost people, we recruited people… With determination and good friendships, we managed to survive till today.

We started BFA strong,had about 25-27 raiders at start. Cleared Heroic quite quickly, but then some people didn’t want to try mythic, while others had real life issues to deal with. At the end we found ourselves as a team of 13-15 players who still wanted to raid and progress together. However, while we were farmingHeroic, we slowly lost more people than we were able to recruit, due to different reasons (mostly people losing interest).

We are still a guild that wants to give our best shot at clearing current content and have fun doing so. We want like-minded players, who want to enjoy the game with us, as well as grow and improve together. We don’t require perfect play but want people who can acknowledge their mistakes and want to be better. We are all learning and willing to help.

We raid on Wednesdays and Mondays between 20:00-23:00 server time. Right now, we are recruiting in preparation for the coming 8.1 raid tier.

What we are looking for is:

High Priority: Warlock, Mage, Priest(any spec, but especially healers), Warrior(DPS).

Low Priority: DK(DPS), Hunter, Holy Paladin, Resto Shaman.

Really Low Priority: DH, Resto Druid, Any kind of main tank

That being said we are welcoming anyone from any dps class, spec right now.

If you are interested in joining our family you can reach us by whispering:





or you can add me on battlenet : Xaviel#2718

Have a good day everyone!