[H] [Twisting Nether] < Audacity > 2 day Mythic Raiding (Thurs,Sund)

Current Progression

3/10 Mythic

By having players that perform at a high level we are able to maximise the limited time we have and progress at an enjoyable and steady rate with the goal being CE. there is no requirement for everyone to have an alt unless you want

Having progressed through Cutting Edge we realised that alot of time was spent in game, maxing characters and creating alts just to push bosses with 3/4 days raiding
scheduals. This had a strain on day to day life and we decided that would try to reduce the “forced” feeling of playing the game every day.
Most of us have Work/Children/Relationships/Family and these are important to us

When do you raid?
Farm - Thursday 20:30 to 23:30 (Game time)
Progress - Sunday 20:30 to 23:30 (Game time)

As we only raid 2 days a week we expect around 90 to 100% attendance to ensure we have the best setup

Currently Recruiting
Healers and DPS Below

Deathknight - Damage
Druid - Balance
Druid - Resto
Monk - Mistweaver
Priest - Any Spec
Shaman - Any Spec

Exceptional applications will be considered.

How to Apply
Use the link to join our discord https:// discord.gg/ptrqn7Jy2R - There is an application thread. Please fill in the application form on discord and post in back into the thread.

If you want to speak to an officer in game you can:


Current Progression

3/10 Mythic

Currently Recruiting


Shaman - DPS
Druid - Boomkin

Currently Recruiting
Healers and DPS Below

Deathknight - Damage
Druid - Balance
Druid - Resto
Monk - Mistweaver
Priest - Any Spec
Shaman - Any Spec

Great bunch of guys! This guild is very capable of getting CE, I’ve been in a few guilds so far and this guild has one of the best raid leaders.

if your unsure as to the raiding enviroment / Atmosphere I’m going to shamlessly plug my twitch stream https://www.twitch.tv/puzameme. Tune in and get a taste of our guild during the raid.

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