[H] Twisting Nether EU < Furore> 7/11 SFO HC is Recruiting for Raiders 2. We Are a daytime/weekend raiding guild

Guild Furore is a Hc/Mythic raiding guild on Twisting Nether [H] Eu

We aim to clear heroic and if we get the people also Mythic. - so whilst our raiding schedule is relaxed, we like our raiders to turn up ready to perform to a reasonable standard.

When we have Normal on farm and do this on a 3 day jsut for people to get there tier sets, HC raids are going down to 2 days per week. Outside of raids there are usually plenty of M+ runs going on for those interested.

Raid Times (server time)
Saturday 1pm - 4pm
Sunday 1pm - 4pm


  • Healers
  • DPS

( All classes and roles are welkom)

If you are interested please messege Btag Tendalar#21693 ingame or Tendalar#5194 on Discord