[H] Twisting Nether - Mage - Looking for Raiding Guild


I’m planning on returning to raiding for Shadowlands after years of playing casually. I initially started playing wow in vanilla (even did few bosses in naxx) and raided all the way until mid Cata. During Cata I decided to step away from hardcore raiding guilds and focus on my personal life (Studying etc).

Years passed and now I finally have time and will to get back to raiding. I would love to join a guild that is planning on doing Heroic and further aiming for Mythic. I’m fine with 2-3 raids a week :slight_smile:

I’m planning on playing mage but if there is a need I can roll something else.

Hello, mate!
We are currently precisely looking for mage, it would be great to see you as part of our guild.
Write to Sprotae#2918.

Hey there! if you dont mind sevrer transferring then we are indeed ineed of more people like you! Please checkout this post for more details! [H][EU][StormScale] FourSeasons Recruiting for Raiding

Add Sepicfail#2725 for further information