Recursion is a guild made up by a small group of friends who have been raiding together for quite a few expansions.
Our goal is to get “Ahead of the Curve” in every tier in Shadowlands, and then progress as far as we can into mythic, but we won’t promise anyone “Cutting Edge” at this point.
We are planning or raiding on wensdays and thursdays, 20.00 - 23.00 realm time and one optional raid on mondays.
What can we offer you?
Hopefully some decent progress in a relaxed and nontoxic environment.
Furthermore, the majority of the people in this guild are closing in on their 30’s so we have to remember that this is only a game and that real life will always come first.
What do we ask of our raiders?
First off, we need to get along somewhat. Playing with players you don’t like is not fun and it won’t bring any progress. That being said, we still want you to be able to perform at a reasonable level. Mistakes are allowed, but dying to the same pool of fire 20 times in a row isn’t really okay either. We ask our raiders to be prepared with food, potions, and flasks and be generally optimized. We also expect our raiders to read up on encounters beforehand. As previously mentioned, it’s okay to be away every now and then, but we do expect you to give a decent amount of heads-up so that we can plan accordingly.
Currently, we are looking for three or four more dps players; warrior, deathknight, mage, warlock, moonkin, shaman, hunters and paladin are all classes and speccs we are considering at the moment.
If this sounds interesting, please contact either; Flesh#8715 on Discord or flesh#2835 on battlenet.
Last edited early march 2021.