Hello all! Two Point Zero, Golemagg Horde is looking for more members! We’re a friendly gaming community that always wants to find more members and make more friends We currently play Ragnaros Horde on Retail and host events for whoever wants to join from other servers too, such as M+ Competitions, weekly Heroic Raid clears (trying some Mythic once it opens cross realm), Pet Battle Tournaments and anything else people are interested in doing
With Classic coming out this week, we will be actively trying to find more members to join us in Classic We plan on raiding and currently have around 15 members looking to raid, so just need to find some more, so we can get closer to that 40 man mark
We will decide raid days and times once we have a decent size roster of people who are interested, so we can see what will work best for everyone.
Whether you are planning to raid or not, please come join us and check out what our community can offer you Some example of Classic plans we want to make happen are, Stealth Raids of Alliance cities (Rogues and Druids), World PvP ganks, Dungeon runs, Duel contests, and anything else people want to suggest, we’ll make it happen
Please contact me on Battle Net: Gladi#21504 or Discord: Gladi#7054 or message me here if you would like to join our community, retail or classic guild I look forward to hearing from you