Former semi-hardcore player looking for a new home for Shadowlands and the adventures that is ahead of us! Returning from a longer break during CN Mythic progression, took a break for focusing on pvping and IRL commitments.
Preferable raiding hours: 19:00-22:30, due to IRL commitments and such. Server transfers are available if suited guild is found.
Age: 34 y/o
Country: Sweden
Some background / Raiding experience:
The Burning Crusade:
Karazhan 10/11 - Holy Paladin
Gruul’s Lair 2/2 - Holy Paladin
Magtheridon’s Lair 1/1 - Holy Paladin
Wraith of the Lich King
Naxxramas 15/15 - Rogue
Obsidian Sanctum 1/1 - Rogue
The Eye of Eternity - 1/1 Rogue
Ulduar 13/14 - Rogue
Trial of the Crusader 5/5 - DK
Icecrown Citadel 12/12 - DK
Blackwing Descent 6/6 - DK
The Bastion of Twillight 4/4 - DK
Throne of the Four Winds 1/2 - DK
Firelands 7/7 - Priest
Mist of Pandaria:
I took a long break during the expanion of the Pandaria, mainly played pvp and rated battlegrounds/arena.
Warlords of Draenor:
Hellfire Citadel 13/13 M - DK/Druid/Paladin
The Emerald Nightmare 7/7 M - Paladin
Trial of Valor 3/3 M - Paladin
The Nighthold 10/10 HC, 10/10 M - Paladin
Antorus, the Burning Throne 11/11 M - Mage
Battle for Azeroth:
Uldir 7/8 M - Druid/DK
Battle of Dazar’alor 8/9 M - Druid
Cruible of Storms - 2/2 HC - Druid/DK
The Eternal Palace - 8/8 HC - DK
Ny’alotha, the Waking City 12/12 M, CE - DK
Castle Nathria - 6/10 M DK as well as Priest (DPS)
Sanctum of Domination - 10/10 HC
Sepulcher of the First Ones 3/11 HC 8/11 Normal (Priest DPS/Healer)