Started with a group of friends and ended up as a home for returning players from 2 vanilla raiding guilds that both stepped foot into Naxx. Looking to have fun with classic at a more casual rate, but the end goal would be able to clear all content.
Most of us have normal working hours and real life commitments and will fully respect if you can’t be available all the time.
Currently clearing all raid content each reset.
Raid times
Aiming for 2 days a week with Sundays being the main and cleanup whatever is left on Tuesdays.
However when we are doing progression Wednesdays will be added to the rotation.
Raids will go from 20:00 server time until 23:00.
Loot rules
We are using EPGP with MS > OS.
Looking for mature players with a sense of humor. Some MC gear is preferred but exceptions can be made.
Socials of all classes welcome.
Come say hi over at discord. gg/P3NckHG or contact Rálok#6587 on discord
Or reach out ingame: Pingo/Vincenth/Eronel for a chat