[H]<Valkyrie> Recruiting mature players to fill our roster


Started with a group of friends and ended up as a home for returning players from 2 vanilla raiding guilds that both stepped foot into Naxx. Looking to have fun with classic at a more casual rate, but the end goal would be able to clear all content.
Most of us have normal working hours and real life commitments and will fully respect if you can’t be available all the time.
We are currently clearing MC/Ony each reset with either joint raids with another guild or pug.

Raid times
Aiming for 2 days a week with Sundays beeing the main and cleanup whatever is left on Tuesdays.
Raids will go from 20:00 server time until 23:00.

Loot rules
For now everything will be mainspec > offspec rolls. This might change if we actualy hit a point where we are forced to prioritize tanks or healers etc to be able to progress.
There will be a round robin system in place to prevent any 1 player from winning every roll on a single raid night however.

Legendaries: Thunderfury will be decided ahead of time. Eye of Sulfuras will be a free roll.

Looking for mature players with a sense of humor.

Just ask and we might have room for others.

Melee DPS
Just ask and we might have room.

Ranged DPS
Just ask and we might have room.

All “non-optimal” specs are also welcome, we are doing this for fun afterall :slight_smile:
Levels 40+ are welcome (and even if you are level 1+ just shout out and we might have a spot.)

Come say hi over on discord: P3NckHG

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Good luck guys :slight_smile:

Thanks, and to you guys aswell :slight_smile:

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