[H]War LF semi-hardcore guild

Looking for semi hardcore and mature horde guild for heroic and mythic progression.I play Fury/Arms and have experience with some mythic raiding.Tbh realm change is possible for me.I got plenty of alts many of them I used to raid with so i can also offer that if the guild needs it but I prefer dps role :slight_smile:

Hey Nickfury,

Left Hand Path - Thunderhorn, EU is a 11 years old guild with a strong social side.
While not being a hardcore raiding guild we still progress at a steady pace, but most of all we try to have as much fun as we can while playing.

We raid on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 20:00ST to 23:00ST

If youโ€™re interested in joining feel free to poke Seraphiell#4484 (discord) or Kratos#2492 (ingame)


Hey dude take a look at this post and let me know if your interested!