[H] Warlock LF raiding guild (+15y experience)

Hello everyone

I am looking for a raiding guild that raids 1-2 twice a week. Def. want to clear Heroic and try Mythic.

Not looking for a hardcore raiding guild, rather a guild with people that raided hardcore in the past and are currently too busy with jobs, families, … to reach that level again.

Brief summary of my raiding experience:

I started back in march 2005, cleared MC/BWL/AQ40… and continued to raid a lot with my peak being Ulduar (top 100 guild). After that I didn’t play every expansion (skipped Cata, Bfa, SL) but came back for raiding with friends, the last being Legion.

So if you are a guild with a positive, friendly and mature mindset feel free to contact/add me on Skarju (Twisting Nether).


Changed account, here’s the link to my warlock!

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