Destro lock looking for long term partnership with guild. I would wish you to be active, social and with positive atmosphere. I am at ilvl 348 atm… I am chill dude who likes to chat. I am social and active myself.
Thank for reading
Destro lock looking for long term partnership with guild. I would wish you to be active, social and with positive atmosphere. I am at ilvl 348 atm… I am chill dude who likes to chat. I am social and active myself.
Thank for reading
Hey! I’ve added you on battlenet for a chat I’ll leave my guild spam below so you know a little bit more about us
We are a friendly bunch of players with varying wow experience. Hope to speak to you soon!
< D A U N T L E S S> are a weekend raiding guild recruiting a healer and dps! Raids on Sat and Sun at 21.00 til 00.00. 8/8 normal and 6/8 HC.
HI we could be the guild for you we have cleared normal and now 5/8 HC and looking to continue Heroic progress for all tiers. we also do M+ some Pvp together would like to add you to our family We raid Wed/Sun 8pm server
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