[H] We dont care about your Covenant - A community for the upcoming expansion

Community: We dont care about your Covenant [DCC]
Language: English
Faction: Horde
Leader: Jilar
Focus: Early Shadowlands Release and SL Dungeons (maybe it will grow into more later on!)

Invite Link: https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/invite/BR79bGCODx?region=EU&faction=Horde


Because I am already tired of the discussion about what class/covenant combo is or will be “the best”, I decided to make a new Community for the upcoming Shadowlands Expansion where everyone is welcome no matter what covenant you choose for your character!

You want to play a undead ardenweald flowerboi/girl warlock or a holy vampire paladin because its cool? GO FOR IT!

We will not kick you or dont take you into a group because you choosed a “wrong” combo!

We also aim for a laid back and mature atmosphere!

Hope to see you ingame or at least in Shadowlands!

Have a nice day everyone :slight_smile: