(H) Wednesday night raiding guild UK based LF Healer

Hey :slight_smile:
On defias brotherhood, horde guild looking for one healer

Casual one night a week raiding guild

18:30 UK time till 9PM

All super busy with real life so have created a guild for busy people who still want to raid but can only commit to one night.

We’ve been around since BC, social atmosphere all we ask is you come prepared.

We will watch strats for each boss before on discord

Any questions reply here and we can have a chat

Everyone’s welcome

Wednesday night raiding!

Whisper me in game :slight_smile: Bronty - Defiasbrotherhood

Hey Temp :slight_smile:


Yeah we will want to progress onto heroic when we are ready, as we are casual may take a bit more gearing but like last expansions we’ve always managed to do heroic. I’ll add you and we can catch up ingame??

Hey! I’ve come back to play this exp and one night a week would sound about right in terms of commitment. Which day of the week is it?

So far planning to play resto shaman

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Hi Korro - responding on behalf of Bronty, could you whisper him in-game when you get a chance? For some reason he can’t respond to this post haha

Hey! Yeah, will do so this evening when I get online

Also my tag is Korro#2566