[H] Whispers of Ambition [7/8M] Recruiting DPS

Greetings fellow players!
Whispers of Ambition is currently in need of DPS for Azshara progress and onwards!

Basic guild info

Progress: 7/8M Eternal Palace
BOD: 9/9M
Uldir: 8/8M

Raiding times and days (all server time):
Wednesday (20:00 - 23:00)
Sunday (20:00 - 23:00)
Monday (20:00 - 23:00)

All invites start 15 minutes before the raid or at 19:45. We never extend our raid times. There will always be a break starting around 21:30 and lasting 10 mins.

Who are we and what can you expect from us?
Whispers of Ambition is a guild formed by a group of friends that played together for a couple of years in a more hardcore setting and decided to settle down for a more semi-hardcore raiding atmosphere with bigger emphasize on having fun with friends than pushing ranks. That being said, our goal is to get the Cutting-Edge achievement every tier while also having fun doing so.
As for the social part, a lot of our raiders like doing m+ dungeons almost every day and you can almost always find us online on discord. We also like to meet new people as in if you join us as a trial we would love for you to speak to us (if you want to ofc) and share your stories and thoughts.

What do we expect from you as a player?
What we generally expect from our players is to try and learn from their mistakes and improve on them. We all make mistakes when we’re learning a new boss fight but it’s crucial that we as a team try to improve ourselves to down the fight. In that regard, we are more than willing to help each other out. If there is any misunderstanding with any boss mechanic we always try to talk through it and see what can be improved. We also have ppl that are very good at analyzing warcraftlogs so if you need any help on how to improve your personal performance you can always ask us for help and we are more than willing to help you.
From a social perspective, as a member of our guild we would like for you to feel like at home. It’s completely understandable that you can be stressed out when joining a new guild as a new trial but there rly is no need for it. As said above, as long as you have the mentality to try to improve yourself during a fight and learn from your mistakes we are more than willing to help you out. Also you can always feel free to talk to any of the officers or members if you want to discuss anything or have a problem with anything.

Alts and other info
You don’t have to play any alts, just your main. But we do expect you to have that character up to date.
Also if you are a damage dealer you need to know all your DPS specs. Some fights might have a specific requirement that we need to meet (like burning an add down fast) and if one of your other specs is doing so much more for that specific job it’s going to help the team a lot if you could play that spec.
The trial period usually lasts for 2 weeks and in that time if you have any questions you’re more than welcome to talk to us and we will also try to communicate with you if there is any problems at any point.

Currently recruiting:
Important note: We are recruiting for Azshara progress atm (as in we don’t want applications for coming tier only).

Ranged DPS (preferance on Fire Mages) - High
Frost DK - High
Rest of the melee classes - Medium

Even if your class isn’t listed here, you are more than welcome to apply to us. We always take a look into all our applications and we are more than interested in any exceptional players willing to join.

Contact info
Henriksson - Henriksson#21429 (ingame chars: Chifa/Henrikson)
Satory - Azoris#2603 (ingame chars: Satory/Zion)
Galanil - Millix#2594 (ingame chars: Galanil/Alianan)
Falke - Falken#2915 (ingame chars: Falkewall/Falkeblood)

All applications are posted on discord in the “recruitment” channel. What you need to post there is your basic info: char name, bnet tag, wowprogress link, warcraftlogs link and anything else you want to share/us to know. We are going to take a look at it and then contact you for further discussion.
Discord link - https://discord.gg/rn8X8S5

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