[H] [WotLK / CATA] [Gehennas] <SLAYERS> LFM Thursdays 20:00 - 23:30 ST

< SLAYERS > Casual but serious raiding guild!

:star2: 12/12 HC ICC 25 :star2:
:star2: HC Halion :star2:
→ both on farm and doing em one night

Experienced leadership core with great organisational skills. We offer a relaxed yet competitive raid guild that aims for smooth runs in a friendly environment. We are looking to enter Cataclysm with a solid raid roster and have a plan to set up a fun rated battleground-night once per week, which is optional to participate in, of course.

:point_down: Recruiting
Looking for more exceptional raiders who are into Cataclysm.

We would like our raiders to always be prepared with consumables, PVE spec and to respect each others in and out of raids.

:alarm_clock: Main Raid
Thursday 20:00 -23:30 ST
:heavy_plus_sign: during progression: Sunday 20:00 -23:30 ST

:moneybag: Loot
TMB Prios + Council — We do our very best to make sure loot is evenly distributed independent of rank!

:chart_with_upwards_trend: Our logs

We are also playing Season of Discovery on Living Flame. LOK’TAR OGAR!

Please reach out to us on discord: https://discord.gg/MvyuxXqG5Q
or PM @leuk on discord :wave:

Here is our heroic Lich King kill on video, if you interested how our progression raids are looking like, movie made by Yawn!
imo best moment of the movie starts at 12:15 :joy:

BUMP! Any Cata enjoyers? :=

:heavy_plus_sign: Going to transmog runs on Saturdays, SWP + BT with one SR on both raids
/w Leuk if you interested!

BUMP - Recruitment still open!