Greetings, rebels.
I’ve come to offer fresh meat on your table.
Have you heard about the recent surge of World PvP on the infamous realm known as Argent Dawn EU?
Our guild [The Scarlet Crusade] has a mission of making Argent Dawn a World PvP oriented realm, and with the removal of the RP-PVE tag into just RP (War Mode, Blizzard made this possible for us), there has been an increasing influx of PvP players.
That’s where we step in.
A guild of glorified gankers, most infamous for torturing our prey with corpse camping, ganking, and humiliating them in front of the entire realm all while recording and making hilarious youtube videos.
"Why do you think you are any different from just another ganking group?" you ask.
Well, let me explain it to you.
We are a Forsaken only guild representing the ideals of mindless undead who ravage the living (Sorry Dhs, Palas, Druids and Shaman).
Furthermore, we have three guild rules:
- Be a male forsaken character of any class.
- Be named Roleplayer (Any variation of the name will do, just use appendixes like é, à , etc…)
Killing people while having this name means that they get much more mad at you, because this name has stacked a lot of infamy and hate (cumulating a few irl death threats even) over the past 8 months.
Why do we have uniforms?
It’s because we already have the same name, and because, when you are in the open world, people just get mass confused when they see us, thinking we are multiboxers. On the other hand, people who go to such lenghts like going on voice chat to try to defeat us have a different problem. Screaming out: “Target Roleplayer!” means nothing versus our guild.
Our moto is: “We are many.”
"So how do you gear up if you gank every single day of the week?" you ask.
We have special mythic+ groups doing 10 and above keys, which are dedicated to gearing up our guildies as much as possible. We do them about three times per week, stacking needed armor types and trading that sweet titanforged loot to green, newly dinged members.
If you’re interested in joining us, there are some notable videos which you should watch before making the final decision:
And finally, how you can contact us:
Either through BattleNet: MilanGrujic#1256
Or through discord: The Roleplayer#8537
In the future we plan on making a full “Roleplayer” rated battleground team and aim for the top! Join the greatest community ever created, and enjoy playing WoW once more!