[H/A] Innocuous - Casual Weekend Heroic Raiding - Raiders wanted & Socials welcome!

AOTC achieved by the guild!

Recruitment is still open, mainly to strengthen our raid team slightly in roster size and quality.

Open roles:

1x Healer - Shaman / Paladin / Monk → Prioritized in that order
2-3x DPS - Warrior / DH / Evoker/ Rogue Highest prio. Also open to others but on a lower priority.

If you feel you’re looking for a smaller raid team and a long-term home with buddies to play the game with, reach out to us on Discord or Bnet, details below:

Bnet: Sykretts#1919
Discord: sykretts

Bnet: Fos#21101
Discord: Fossy_j

We are looking to add a couple more players to our core raid team now that Ansurek Heroic is comfortably on farm:

1x Healer - Shaman / Paladin / Monk / Evoker

2x DPS - Warrior / DH / Rogue / Evoker / Paladin

Bnet: Sykretts#1919
Discord: sykretts

Bnet: Daneii#2147
Discord: daneii

We’re still looking to add a couple more raiders to finalize our raid team!

  • 1x Tank - Any
  • 2x DPS - Warlock / Rogue / Evoker / Demon Hunter


  • Sykretts ( Sykretts#1919 or Sykretts on Discord )
  • Daneii ( Daneii#2147 or Daneii on Discord )

Still looking to expand and solidify our raid roster for the current tier as well as prepare for the next.

Currently open to:

1x Healer - For raiding but mainly also for M+

3x DPS - Open to all classes except Mage/DK/Pala

If you’re looking to join a long-term home for weekend raiding and other PvE activities, reach out to us!


  • Sykretts ( Sykretts#1919 or Sykretts on Discord )
  • Daneii ( Daneii#2147 or Daneii on Discord )

We are still recruiting to fill some spots that opened up due to some IRL circumstances for a couple of our players, and also to expand the roster a little for next patch.

Currently open to:

1x Healer - For raiding but mainly also for M+

3x DPS - Open to all classes except Mage/DK/Pala

If you’re looking to join a long-term home for weekend raiding and other PvE activities, reach out to us!


  • Sykretts ( Sykretts#1919 or Sykretts on Discord )
  • Daneii ( Daneii#2147 or Daneii on Discord )