[H/A] LF Guild to play Dungeons at a relaxed pace - Lightbringer


I’ve been playing WoW on and off since 2007 and believe it or not, for the most part I’ve done so solo. I’m currently levelling an Alliance Frost Mage but prior to that I was mostly Horde. I’m levelling a new character because I can’t remember what on earth was going on with the old ones.

I absolutely despise the “team up with random strangers” Dungeon finder because everyone always seems to want to get to the end of the dungeon as fast as possible whereas I want to read the quests and take in what’s going on - why the rush?!! Also, I’m not that great at reacting quickly so my experience hasn’t been all that great so far, getting kicked without explanation and so on.

So I’m looking for like-minded company to get into some of the multi-player content with that I’ve missed out on. I’m UK based, in my 50’s and play from around 9PM to 1AM or so.

That should give you a clue whether I’d be a fit to your guild. I’m willing to learn or re-learn new roles provided I’m given at least a bit of support to do so.

Ta in advance.

[PS] Oh, I’m currently timewalking (if that’s the right term) WOTLK since that has been my favourite expansion to date.

Hi Loro,

I wasn’t too sure if you would be willing to move servers but thought it would be best to give it a shot. Our guild Braveheart (Argent Dawn/Alliance) is a social guild which enjoys doing raids, dungeons (including m+), some roleplaying and in general questing and achievement hunting.

All of our members are likeminded and want to have fun while playing the game, without the random kicks from finding random groups - just a chilled environment where you can enjoy the game, make some new friends and chat while playing the game.

Unfortunately our raid team is full at the moment but for dungeons we usually form our own groups within the guild and have chill runs which can include pushing keys or just gearing alts and newly leveled characters (which I think may appeal to you!) - we have our own channel on Discord where we can chat outside of the game and often use voice chat for dungeons (but not required).

Check out our forum post here for some more information or if you’d like to chat, add me on battle.net (Hystericxl#2223) or discord (Hystericxl#3376)

Sounds interesting! I take it people are about outside of those raid times since they’re a bit early for me, I’d be coming online towards the end of the raids. Saying that, your raids are full right now and I’m nowhere near raid material yet :slight_smile:

I wouldn’t want to move existing toons (£19 - Blizzard, really??!!) but to be honest the starting process is so quick these days that the only pain with rolling a new character is thinking of a name. The realm is full but the way, but it’s not stopping me from creating a character anyway.

Oh, I still have 2 character boosts left if I wanted but I’ve never really seen the point since you don’t learn that way

[EDIT] Have sent a Battlenet request as Guddler#2422 Will be on later…

Awesome, I agree with you that it’s a little expensive to move toons around and the best way to learn a class is by leveling. We have lots of players on throughout the day/night so there will always be someone on to talk to (we also have discord and things too which is super active for when we’re not on wow).

I accepted your friend request on battle.net (just send me a message whenever you’re on, I usually have my app open!) :relaxed: