Hi RPers, I am speaking to everyone who thinks that a cross faction RP is a cool thing and it actualy makes sense.
Before reading further, please hear me out, I understand that there are a lot of unexperienced RPers and there are a lot of RPers who treat it not seriously, you can say it just by looking at their TRP profiles and actions. But there are also a lot of cool RPers and thats why I created this topic. Lets discuss some things.
I am surprised that Dalaran is not as crowded as it can be. It is a neutral territory. It has many cool spots , beautiful locations near it and Underbelly!!! Tongue potions vendor, cool hidden stuff etc
In other words everything that is needed to create some cool cross faction RP stories, plots, events and have fun.
I know that A-RP has more open world-like concept, H-RP is more/only guild based. But I also know that there are many Horde RPers who want to have some area like Stormwind, where there is always somebody to RP with. Since the majority of RPers pick alliance and there are always people in Stormwind, Duskwood, Boralus - new incomming Rpers are more willing to pick Alliance as well, cause nobody wants to RP alone, rightâŚright?) Orgrimmar and Silvermoon are empty 99% of the time, especially if you compare it to Stormwind starting from 19:00. The Alliance capital is bustling with life.
Not all of RPers like the idea of sticking your RP just with one guild, even if it is crowded enough, it feels isolated in one way or another.
So my proposal to the community is to give Dalaran some more love I bet there are a lot of Horde Rpers who would be very fun to RP with. Yesterday I met a group of Vulpera and damn those were cool guys, I want to see more similar groups of RPers who could refresh the current RP state in Dalaran and bring some more life to it.
Just a few sketchy ideas for an example:
- It is literally the best place for mages to study the arcane
- Why not further developing Trading RP, there are alrady excisting markets, but why not make it more constant like everyday, black markets in Underbelly etc.
- brawl can be organazied there too
- Chamber of the guardian can be used as a place for the Court similar to Stormwind
- Kirin Tor RP
- literally a great potential for military RP here, since there can be conflicts between cross faction members that actualy MAKE SENSE!
- Legerdemain Lounge is a perfect place for bartender and barmaides, it even has a balcony! Filthy animal is a great place to have a drink if you are a Horde member. It has a HUGE fireplace and a lot of space.
- barbershop, cool small shops for herbalist and for tailors, pick your activity
- shady organizations in Underbelly, sounds cool (maybe it would be cool for rogue groups to use the uncrowned secret entrance, why not? It looks cool and actualy makes sense)
It is not very hard to organize all of this. Is it bad that everybody will know that there is a place where both factions can find cool RP experience? Why not trying to work on this together?
Tell me your thoughts.
Thank for your time!
Your red haired sinâdorei,