[H/A-RP] The Grand World Tournament 🏆 [May 27th-31st]

i am an angry dog

Name: Rolvasch
OOC Name: Rolvasch
Faction: Alliance
Events: Single Duels


i am dead.

Name: Mortimer Duriss
OOC Name: Duramortem
Faction: Horde
Events: Duels

edit: hey thanks for the likes :slight_smile:


i am not dead
i am infact under the water
(how are you)
please help me

Name: Inedaeras
OOC Name: Inedaeras
Faction: Horde
Events: Single Duels

(the elf below me smells of berries)

(you’re not meant to tell anyone)


Name: Ashlynn Rosefall
OOC Name: Rosefall
Faction: Horde
Events: Moonball, Single Combat Duels

(the elf above me is an alcoholic but its okay :heavy_heart_exclamation:)


Name: Thyley Bloodwing
OOC Name: Thyley
Faction: Horde
Events: none just watching

Name: Vick Thunderfist
OOC Name: Vicktomon
Faction: Horde
Events: Single Combat Duels, Traditional Joust

Name: Jack Grimsdale
OOC Name: Arroweyejack
Faction: Alliance
Events: Archery Contest


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Name: Eurephys Valerunner
OOC Name: Eurephys
Faction: Horde
Events: Archery, Duels

Still hoping to see more from the Argent Crusade here!

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Due to a busy schedule, I’ll unfortunately have to cancel my participation in the Argent Joust, the Traditional Joust and the Single Combat Duels.
Hope it all works out well.

Yaargh… I regret me and me parrot mount McCracker can’t enter the joust an’ claim victory for all pirate kind. :parrot: :crossed_swords: :skull_and_crossbones:

Alas! I be at sea…

Still, this looks amazing Rog! I look forwarding to perusing all and any screenshots!

This looks really good count me in!
Name: Targoth
OOC Name: Tárgoth
Faction: Horde
Events: Argent Joust, traditional joust, single combat duels

Ack, late out per usual, but here’s another Blackward maniac to add to the pile. Won’t be doing any trading this time! We seem to have an appropriate amount of that already.


Name: Paethos Eventwist
OOC Name: Paéthos
Faction: Horde
Events: Archery

Sounds like fun. My character would certainly like to check it out. For convenience he’ll be participating as an Alliance member, and if there are no restrictions he’d be interested to take on the challenge of single combat dueling.

Name: Siegfried Brokenwail
OOC Name: Jygulfrik
Faction: Alliance
Events: Duels

Name: Dina
OOC Name: Organizer
Faction: Alliance
Events: Single Combat Duels

Angelus here will be observing the activities of the Argent Crusade to make sure that no one wonders off and discovers hidden secrets within Icecrown that shouldn’t be known to mortal ears.

Look forward to meet you all there!

Name: William Spiderbane.
ooc name: Jönës
Faction: Horde
Events: Single Combat Duels, Archery

Name: Alvina Rainwatcher
OOC name: Rainwatcher
Faction: Horde
Events: Archery

Name: Guillaume
OOC Name: Guillaume
Faction: Alliance
Events: Single Combat Duels