Who & What is Wipe Night?:
Wipe Night is a Horde World of Warcraft guild on the European Draenor server. We are a laid-back-casual-semi-serious 2 day raiding guild and we raid from 19:30 till 22:30 (Server Time), on Thursday and Sunday.
Our focus lies on Heroic raiding, aiming to get at least AOTC every tier and then some. What do you mean “and then some”? Meaning, we’ll also dabble a bit into Mythic and see where it ends. But not at the cost of fun or having to sacrifice our lives over it.
Our roots lie deep within World of Warcraft, some of us have been playing together for more then a decade. Many of us have either one or multiple CE’s under their belt, achieved over the years of playing the game we all love.
We are:
- A guild which raids to have fun and progress as much as possible. We would rather enjoy ourselves while progressing on our own terms, than be miserable while chasing server firsts.
- A guild which focuses on raiding. Dragonslaying with 19+ other people is a much more epic experience.
- A stable and drama-free guild. 7 days without any major accidents.
- A guild of adults aged 20 - 60+. Rabble-rousing hormonally-charged young whippersnappers need not apply.
- A guild of people who have real lives, but enjoy raiding too. We believe that raiding is something we arrange around our real lives, and not the other way around.
- A guild which has high expectations for every member of our guild to raid regularly to the best of their abilities. We expect our raiders to be skilled at their class, to want to improve themselves, and to help others improve.
If you would like some more information or if you have any questions, please reply to this topic or join our Discord server at: https://discord.gg/q4GRCtWNYG
Even if your class/role is currently not open for recruitment, we are always looking for exceptional players that can enhance our raid team.
Still looking for some AUG’s ranged/melee DPS!
We’re now 8/9HC and still looking for some R/DPS and AUG’s!
Hello, we are glad to announce as a Guild we are now 9/9 Heroic! we are looking for more ranged dps and possibly a monk. We are Looking Forward to hearing from you!
Currently still looking for some RDPS, WW Monk and an Augmentation Evoker preferably with a Preservation off-spec. To complete our roster to start dipping into Mythic!
Currently looking for a Hpala, WW monk, and a few more Rdps. Looking to fill out our last few slots so we can start jumping into mythic and killing some bosses!
Still looking for R/DPS & Aug’s!
We are updating our Recruitment as we are soon ready to start progressing into mythic we are looking for mostly ranged classes and a few meele classes. Come check us out at our discord or find us ingame for further information.
We’re now 1/9M! We’re also looking for some ranged classes and a WW Monk. Check our discord at https://discord.gg/q4GRCtWNYG
for the most up to date recruitment status.
We are updating our Recruitment for our raid roster, we are still looking for mostly ranged classes with 1 or 2 melee. please come check out discord or find us in-game if you need more information.
Still looking for quite some ranged DPS and a few melee, come check us out on Discord at: https://discord.gg/q4GRCtWNYG
We are once again updating our recruitment we are now looking for 1-2 healers as well as a few melee and ranged DPS please come check out our discord at or find us in game for more information
Still looking for quite some ranged DPS and a few melee, come check us out on Discord at: https://discord.gg/q4GRCtWNYG
Wipe Night is still recruiting! We’re in search of DPS and a Healer for more info check out our Discord! https://discord.gg/q4GRCtWNYG
Still looking for quite some ranged and melee DPS, as well as an additional healer. Check out our Discord for the most up to date recruitment status: https://discord.gg/q4GRCtWNYG
Hello and thank you for looking at our post as we are still looking for dps to join our roster for raiding with AoTc being prioity
Are you looking for a place to call home? Then we’re looking for you! We’re currently still looking for all ranged/melee DPS, come check us out on Discord at https://discord.gg/q4GRCtWNYG
and get your AOTC before it’s gone!
Join our discord and we’ll figure it out.
Still looking for some ranged/melee DPS to complete our roster, check our discord for the latest up to date recruitment information.