Hacked wow acount

hello my account was hacked last night, has signed in to blizzad over 30 hours ago but still haven’t heard anything from them. don’t know exactly what to do, my email doesn’t work anymore. any GM master who can help me, this is my Girl friends acount im writing from.

Ticket Number: EU70094907
Ticket Number: EU70077533

Um, the forum staff are not GM’s and have no facility to do anything with any of the information you gave.

They CAN NOT skip you to the head of the ticket queue.

Someone else posted a similar thread (and I suspect it was actually you) earlier, and they were advised to open a live-chat session. That advice remains valid.

Finally, its really not advisable to post your email on a publically readable forum.

Hi there!

We absolutely do understand your frustration, but I’m afraid that Trovlak is right in that we are not able to handle Compromise issues via forums. As long as you have submitted your ticket, the Game Master team will get back to you to get things fixed, as quickly as they can.



hey i got my acount hacked , and email change so cant log in, made a tickets 24 hour ago still no reply , someone here knows how long it will take to get an answer

Have you followed the instructions here - https://eu.battle.net/support/en/article/9852 - securing your computer and then following that specific link to make a ticket?

Hi thanks for answers and yes I did yesterday at 12.00.
Ticket Number: EU70077533

Open a web chat and give them the ticket number. A hey might be able to help faster.