[H/A]<Hearthhome> Brand New and Looking for You!

We are a newly formed guild that seeks others to grow our ranks out, and once we have the numbers we will give the end game content a go. We are a group of laid back and friendly players. I doubt we will ever get too “sweaty” or “try hard” with the content, but we are interested in trying raiding and mythics, as our busy IRL schedules will allow.

Mainly at heart we just want to be the type of guild that is filled with like minded friendly folk, that can have a good laugh together as we play the game we love. We also do not want to grow too big, and keep it small to medium size, as to allow ourselves the chance to properly get to know one another over time.

If and when we do get a chance to run end game content, we plan to tackle it with a no pressure style approch. We don’t expect you to know everything about the game (cause we sure as heck don’t! :stuck_out_tongue: ) as long as you are willing to try, that’s all we can ask for! Many of us are parents with children, so expect the planned to become unplanned as the need arises and if need be, try again next time.

I believe this would br a great place for beginners and newer players, as well as veterans and good ol’ altoholics (like myself :face_with_hand_over_mouth:). Regardless of your play time, we are also seeking those who may be interested in leadership roles, for down the line when we do get end game activities started, to help plan and organize things.

Anyways, that’s my post! Seek me out on bnet if you have any questions or just want to join!

bnet: Magilicotti#11430