I am pretty new to classic and I am considering making a healer alt. Does the healer have time for dps during raid encounter/dungeon? If so, which healer has fun DPS rotation?
I was looking up druid, but did not find any DPS rotation for resto, no way there is no time for some dps? or is it like that? I also looking at priest/hpala
Id suggest a disc priest, a disc priest can heal nearly solely spamming smite, as that will heal a nearby ally for the same amount, on bosses that take increased dmg this obviously scales that healing insanely and is why they are so attractive. Most of the other healers dont have a place for doing dps at all in the raid, but have some options and cds to do so, prob in the future. (druids can spec and spam wraths with instant starfalls and when using tree form their wrath is half cast time and 50% more dmg and can do serious dmg). You can weave in dmg here and there, but most healers it really doesnt do anything to do so, as it is so little extra dmg, you might as well think about cutting a healer for an extra dps so healers again have to pump a bit more healing.
Overall skill requirement is also a factor, druids are prob the hardest followed by paladins, then priest, then shamans. So that might also be a factor that interests you, but no healer spends as much time doing dps as a disc priest does and no healer has full fights where they do nothing but dps, like a disc priest.
ohh and i just saw you are also requesting “fun dps rotation”, shams/druids and priests is all 1-2 button spam specs for dps and i dont even think paladins have a feasible dps option to be honest at all.
Yes spamming healing all the time, with a few smalle exceptions. Otherwise again, disc priest is the outright healer that does actually do dps as a way to heal and can be more “fun” if you like to just do damage, rather than heal and look at friendly health bars.
Holy paladin is practically required to attack enemy in melee range since Seal of Insight is probably their best income of mana, and Crusader Strike which cost the same as least mana expensive healing spell, help to build up Holy Power for strong instant cast heal much faster.
In best case scenario, you can heal entirely just with instant cast spells for the entire dungeon.
Also… From my experience I was able to pop some DoTs with resto druid without affecting mana pool too much, although it’s not as active on dealing damage as other healing classes.
Disc. priest (as already mentioned) can heal the entire group in dungeon just by directly casting damaging spells during leveling phase.
Cataclysm as a whole is really healing intensive expansion. As a healer you are almost always casting healing spell. Alot of your playing is about mana-management. Ie. Resto druid will burn whole manapool fast if you are casting damage spells. So if healing seems boring then I suggest playing retail where healers act more as support-dps
Yes cata still has old-school healing, where healers only heal and almost never dps. Quite borring playstyle, but it’s a matter of taste. Some people like spamming dps while healing in retail, others like to only cast healing spells (classic).
For me personally - healing without doing damage is very borring, that is why I didn’t play healer in classic, though I healed a lot in mid level m+ (+15-20 keys in old m+ system), just because I could do damage as a healer.
Coming from someone who used to do 23+ keys and mythic raiding in retail, to then
suffering through the meme 2-button expansion Wrath, healing in Cata is fun. They scaled up HP and damage taken and lowered relative healing output, as well as expanded healers toolkit.
I’m quite biased so I’d always recommend resto druid and holy priest, but shamans are the most required healer to DPS atm. Between shocking every 8 seconds for an empowered healing rain to lightning bolting the boss for mana, you also have Lava Burst and Fire Elemental.
Sorry but that would be false. Seal of Insight gives you a chance to restore 4% of you BASE mana with single target hits. Taking into account your gear it’s less than 1% of your total mana. And it’s not guaranteed. And doesn’t happen if you’re casting spells.
It of course depend on lot of circumstances, and more Spirit you have from gear at max lvl, less effective the seal become for mana regen compared to Spirit.
At 85, while I still gear up from dungeons, I have 2420 MP5 combat regen from Spirit and about 1400 MP5 average from Seal of Insight while healing with instant cast spells and casted heals with Infusion of Light proc.
While I was wrong for that case and it’s not the best mana income, it’s still good addition to combat regen from Spirit.
You are obviously not always able to attack in melee, if tank is taking heavy damage or DPS taking AoE, thus relying only on instant cast heals is not an option, it doesn’t change the fact that CATA holy paladin is more melee efficient compared to previous expansions, and during leveling and some easier dungeons also more fun to play, for being able to actively participate in combat rather than just standing near ranged, casting healing spells.
I play retail, thanks, i enjoy disc priest and healing here is way easier than in retail in m+
No one play in retail as support dps when healing, you still have to heal a lot
Just got a couple levels on this priest doing dungeons only, its kinda fun.
You can heal people via smite and do reasonable dmg with the glyph and talents, while healing pretty good at the same time.
You can also just chill and stand around for a bit and not smite at all, just toss on renew and shields. Yes, renew.
When anone takes a lot of dmg can penance, and when in doubt about anything just cast flash heal. That should make everything easy. Also got some AOE healing which frankly is quite good, and one very strong one on a large cooldown.
So priest = chill or spam, many different cooldowns to use just for fun, or because you need them.
You also get a cool looking dome to place on the ground where ppl can stand in to mitigate dmg.