Hallowfall "Blood in the Water" Bug


There is a fishing bug in hallowfall. The minimap is showing a blood in the water pool but the pool is not there. This has been the case for over a week and I assume it’s reducing the amount of blood pools spawning elsewhere (which is a problem for those of us trying to catch sweet sweet sharkies).

Coordinates are: 51.13, 58.00


Bugs are reported in-game via the bug reporting tool, not on the forums.

Np I can raise. The support bot sends you to the forum to raise a bug btw so bit misleading.

If you mean a GM ticket, then you don’t ticket GM’s with bug reports either.

Just click on the button that says “Send Feedback or Report a Bug”, and fill in the form that appears.

Don’t worry, to some people its not obvious that its a clickable button, they think its just a pretty graphic, but its not, it really is a button.

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