HallowFall Fishing Derby

Good Morning

I have a bizarre issue and wonder if you can help on certain characters if I collect the Hallowfall Fishing Derby Quests the first time I cast into a pool, it completes the quest, and I get the rewards, but I don’t get the Mereldar Marks when I fish in the pools even though I still have the Buff, I have a few alts, and this happens on the same 1 or 2 Anadin-Alonsus being one of them. On my other alts, the Quest performs as normal

If you check out Wowhead, you can see that this is a known bug that has existed for several months now.

People with alts are using it to finish the fishing derby grind comparatively quickly. The bug has been reported since it first started happening but Blizzard haven’t done anything about it, so they obviously don’t consider it an exploit or even a serious enough bug to hotfix it.

Read the wowhead stuff and use your alts to complete the derby grind more quickly. Apparantly the bug is fussy about which character was logged in and when, compared to the other characters, which might explain your situation.

From the comments that I’ve read it doesn’t seem like anyone has it figured out exactly but it looks like most manage to muddle through and find a way of doing it that works for them.

Happy fishing.

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