Hallowfall has no mobs vender's or other players

I started doing the quest pool cleaner and then the mobs just stopped spawning so i flew around and noticed there were no mobs at all, no vender’s or other players in the zone it was now empty.

i tried a /reloadui this didint work so i logged to an alt and once i flew into Hallowfall it was empty again so i flew to Azj - Kahet and that area has mobs, venders and other players.

This seems to be a zone issue not sure if it’s lag but some help would be appreciated.


I have same problem.

Seems like it could be related to the WQ.

Please check here:


Ty. That is the solution.

Thank you very much :slight_smile: this has fixed the problem.

God bless, wierd bug, saved me, thanks for sharing

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