Halondrus LFR

any been there? im trying to get legs now, and first boss i had to hard carrey asf.

Its not looking bright, but have any done Halondrus LFR here? and did it take much time?

Heading towards second boss atm im scared it will all be a time waste.

And also i got loot on first boss does it mean i wont get loot again the same wing?


Did first LFR wing yesterday, not gonna lie it was brutal. First boss was a few wipes alone cos 10+ people didn’t know to stand in shield. Rest of bosses are easy they’ve made them very new player friendly. You don’t have to clear stacks on snake boy, and you don’t have to portal on 3rd either does like 20% of ya health if you eat a beam. We did 1 shot halond though which was a surprise.

Doesn’t matter if you get loot, Doesn’t reduce chance on other bosses. I got loot drop on 1st, 2nd and the leg piece from LFR.

Reset is the best day to run LFR, it’s when most of the geared people are doing it usually.


yea ofc the person that died on all bosses got tier. i got a ring from tier boss, just what i wanted, NOT. i hope they never bring tier back again

done it a few times, i do whatever boss pops when i queue.

Theyre all fine if you explain.
New players coming from other games are too scared to admit they don’t know what to do so they keep quiet. If you just go through the basics, the bosses are fine. If you don’t, expect wipes.
you can get loot from everything

im done there now, didnt get what i want, i didnt have fun chasing what i wanted.

I only tried get 2p bonus, since im gonna test out MM and the 2p bonus from tier set for mm is huge for m+. like 30% more dmg on aoe/st burst… meanwhile BM gets crit, not even extra dmg on a single target spell, i assume they who design BM tier sets smokes alot of stuff that is not legal in most of the world.

5 wipes. Also wiped twice on the first boss.

harish, i did enter with 265 gear. and it was enough to hard carrey. however we nearly wiped at first boss, but my NF cocoon proced and a pala tank fully healed me.

I guess i was lucky with no wipes, but that still dosnt mean i had fun there.

There were times I got 2 pieces. Sometimes none, however.

Well, the one time I ran the wing, the first boss was a bit of a mess but was done on the first try. Skolex reset took some time as 2 shammies refused to leave the arena, no problems on Xymox, and Halondrus killed some of us during his retreats.

The major wipefest actually happened on the trash after first boss, some fancypants pulled the whole room and everyone died multiple times before we could reset it.

Had easier LFR experiences, but this is normal. :slightly_smiling_face:

that happend to me as well, we had trash wipe because some smart dude pulled all trash from Halondrus side into skolex trash, but it was only 1 wipe, and it was not a boss wipe.

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LFR is a mixed bag at least for me. I’m doing it often at the moment as my raiding guild hasn’t started Normal tier yet and I really like the green colouring of the LFR sets. I’ve seen runs that have went flawlessly from beginning to end. I’ve seen runs that have been shaky due to lots of new people, and I’ve seen runs that have went horrifically wrong because we just didn’t have enough dps, only being able to clear once we had the death buff.

I’ve had several runs fall apart on Halondrus specifically though, for any and all reasons. He’s the LFR-breaker for sure. There was one time I was with a group with low dps, it took us about seven tries to kill him. Our sixth try we got him down to 1% :upside_down_face:

My favourite tier for LFR though was Castle Nathria - you actually tended to get loot in there. Sepulcher has given me hardly anything so far and I legitimately spend most of my WoW time in there right now.


Downed twice, 4-5 attempts till people learned to spread out and toss away the glowing balls.

Not my favorite but doable.

You’ll have two wings available on reset, twice the fun :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

unless you count a random holy spec 239 ilvl condult loot
boss 1 gets you wipes if someone picks orbs and dunno what to do with them(only twice i got that)
guess we had 5 players left on skol because they stood in blue pools
dbm say 5 mins to enrage we hit it on last 10 seconds
but i saw no 500% damage buff on boss
with druid stampede roar/paladin charger war leap would be simple to keep up with halondrus 0 loot ofc only 1 guy from the 25 man group got his piece

i think i skip it tbh xD… i’ll do normal/heroic first, then if i get 3 pieces total, i got 1 now on this toon, ok i’ll do LFR for the 4th piece… but cba if i dont already got 3… LFR just aint my cup of tea.


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