Welcome to the Smuggler’s Skirmish!
The Smuggler’s Skirmish is a shameless plot for a quick pack of gold upcoming one-time only unless it’s profitable event for anyone who wants to test their strength and endurance in brutal, lucrative bare-knuckle fighting!
Even better, the team is looking for fighters to throw their hat in the ring and fight for glory and fame. Also, we’ll pay you. So long as we don’t spend it all on booze first. The rules are simple.
Participants can come from any faction. Horde, Alliance, fel if you can afford the entry fee we’ll let the Lightbound in.
Sign-ups are limited to 16 fighters and a spot can be reserved by posting below, but otherwise sign up on the night! - No weapons or magic are permitted. This is for fun and a scrap, if people die all over the place it’ll screw up our insurance.
The first fighter to land three clean blows, or render their opponent unable to continue, is declared the winner! )(We’ll do this using roll battles, nice and simple!))
The prize money is an ((IC)) cash prize of 20 gold pieces and a cut off the betting pool. In addition to the fights themselves we will have a
family friendwell trained bookkeeper on hand to place bets with at very reasonable odds. Cash on booking to be collected on the night.
Additionally, both fighters and spectators will be provided complimentary baked goods and medical care.
Our team is: - Tal’isyn “The Rat”, chief organiser, chief referee, smuggler extraordinaire, handsome man, the mighty, the humble, the most definitely not proof-reading this advertisement
Announcers: Luckshine, Ta’isyn
Security: Koshdrol Felhand, Zay’aedis Redreaver, Lucritica Sunfury
Bet collector/Bookkeeper: Ealyn Silverglow
Medical team: Lexi Early, Moonsaei Dawnsworn
Referees: Tal’isyn, Ealyn Silverglow, Koshdrol Felhand, Luckshine
WHERE: Booty Bay Beach!
WHEN: 11th of October 9pm Realm Time.
SIGNUPS: Reserve a fighter spot below or contact a Gilded Blades officer in game! Sign ups will be done on a first come first served basis, but all are welcome to spectate and place their bets!
Hope to see you there folks!