Hand of Ragnaros is not a legendary weapon

I don’t know if someone has dedicated time to self-farm all the materials.
What I know is that most of players in Wild Growth server who owns a HoR did have the materials already farmed on day-zero … maybe RMT, maybe not.

But the problem itself is not the stats of the weapon, is how the game was developed and works, and also the nowadays developers mentality. I do explain myself …

The game was developed so their differente phases do completelety make previous phases old: BWL makes MC outdated, AQ makes BWL outdated, Naxx makes AQ outdated, TBC greens makes Naxx outdated, etc. Something that so far is impossible to fix.

That is beacause the game was developed so each tier set of items meets the difficulty of the game on that phase. That’s why some 60-green weapons/gear are better than epics. Once the difficulty of the game is upgraded, the releated tier of items are so. HoR was useless back in vanilla/classic, HoR will be useless in SoD P5.

And about the legendaries and the developers mentallity nowadays is that … everyone should have a legendary!! As in Legion. We will end up with all Retribution Paladins running in circles with Ashbringer. Meanwhile the lore of the game will call every one of them “the Ashbringer”, as if there’s only one.

IMO legendaries need a bit of care and upgrades in term of stats, that’s right.
But also do require to be real legendaries …

Honestly don’t understand why this weapon is just getting replaced after grinding MC for a long time for mats + other materials OUTSIDE MC.
You might as well buff this weapons stats overall to make it close to equal to Might of Menethil, which is a 95dps weapon.
Legendaries should stay relevant for longer than 1 tier. Glaives in TBC lasted till end of expac. TF will last longer than HoR for their respective roles. Ulduar mace lasted till end of WoTLK. Why is Sulfuras exempt?

A legendary you can get after the first reset should not last trough all phases.

I saw too many walking around with it the second week

What’s the point then of a legendary that lasts one phase only? Might as well not go for it, as even druids replace their weapon next phase which is just insane. It doesn’t even feel legendary. It’s just a joke when BWL comes out.

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Back in the days it used to be an achievment getting it. Now its whoever wanna spend the gold

But Wave mon, sod is following the retail model - when a new raid tear comes, all old items become obsolete.

i see what you did there LMAO

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I main druid in SoD and i have HoR.

I worked hard for that mace, be it through crafting mats, Reals, getting them from the raids or making golds to be able to buy mats. I didn’t start at day one collecting mats but i started in P4 so i had an overwhelming amount of things to do and to get.

I don’t care if half the feral population on the realm has that mace, i’m proud of having mine. It would be totally disheartening if my mace all of a sudden with the release of BWL would be not so good anymore and i have to replace it. In fact, it would be so disheartening that i doubt that i will ever work that hard to get something like HoR again.


From what I could gather:

RET, 2hFury and 2h Hunter go for Akshandi
Ferals and 2h enhance (with Molten Blast rune) go for Herald of Woe

In short, HoR sucks

easy fix, make a ”reinforced” attatchment, or crafted upgrade to the mace, like a drop from nefarian that you add to the piece to make it stronger and maybe a more flex look☺️

Drake Talon Cleaver is also a good contender for 2h fury, last I checked. The proc on it can trigger windfury and deep wounds.

Unless that’s been nerfed before the patch hits.

If they do this, please give us a fire bear too!

Sulfaras was never a real legendary in the first place so…

well isnt that what SoD is about? changing things?