after some time, playing with HoR, and simming stuff with different weapons, I have to point out that Hand of Ragnaros does not feel powerfull enough to be a legendary weapon.
Some numbers:
Spinal Reaper DPS: 76
HoR DPS: 80,4
Ashkandi (P5) DPS: 81.81
We can all see the the stats arent that noteworthy compared to the “strongest” p4 and p5 weapons.
Also the ppm on the onhit effect “Purged by Fire” is abysmal. Its 0,5 ppm or 1ppm if I remember correctly.
So HoR does not shine with better stats nore its “unique” effect. Most classes that play with HoR get a replacement in phase 5.
Conclusion: This weapon is not really powerfull enough the be orange.
I would strongly recommend to buff either the stats and/or the proc of HoR.
The players who worked hard for it should have the chance to hold on it a little bit longer than just one phase.
Even ferals will be replacing it next phase with Rae’lar the new druid class weapon. The only caveat is they get to keep fire cat form with some item from Reals.
Kinda hard to say that feral is just a WF buff when they are gapping paladins in dps on pretty much every fight right now xD if anyone is just a buff its the fire resist aura + blessings bringer
Go try with untamed blade instead, and use new tier set instead of 6pc t1. The dps difference is staggering. Its almost a 500 dps difference using untamed blade over HoR.
how did you get those ? the untamed blade doesn’t come close to the HoR in 6p t2 draconic for ret. in fact it does almost the same damage that ashkandi is doing …
They should maybe introduce some item dropping in bwl to just upgrade the weapon from hand of ragnaros to Arm of Ragnaros or something like that.
Adding +10 dps and increasing all other weapon stats and effects by +30% maybe.