Hand of the Archon


Why did you reward players that played for months the ‘Hand of the Archon’ title just to then make the ‘great’ Archon die in 5 seconds in a cinematic?

I mean the archon anyway looked like it had the power of a trash mob in a +10 but why ‘Hand of the Archon’? Who would want to be the ‘Hand’ of…that?

That’s all, many thanks

she didnt die btw, confirmed by steve danuser in an interview.

but yeh the reward for hitting the final renown milestone was pretty trash considering their are already tons of titles.

feelsbad being a bastion player atm, are covenant sucks at everything


However, the cinematic left the question — what happened to the Archon? Was she dead? Was she just injured? Could the key be removed without killing her? Turns out, the cinematic did answer that question. In the BlizzConline WoW Q&A Narrative Designer Steve Danuser, confirmed that she survived. They wanted to confirm that, but were short on time. After Anduin takes the key, there is a quick shot where she moves her hand, and that was the evidence she was alive, just seriously injured. There will be more confirmation in the follow up quests as the story progresses when the patch launches.

I have to admit it wasn’t very clear from the viewer perspective. I thought she was dead too.

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At the end of the cinematic, you could see the hand of the archon moves
The title is important!

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Oh dear!!! :rofl:

It kind of would have been ridiculous to see her dead that easily.

I mean for a race that call themselves the eternal ones, One icy boi killing her with a swing of a sword would have been too stupid.

On the other hand we lost a War Chief to a minor demon stabbing him. We just never know with WoW.

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But he’s back now. As a LOA too. Even though his death was stupid, at least it took a while for him to die and he died on screen.

Varian got an epic end in comparison.

He destroyed a giant fel elemental, then proceeded to obliterate an army in front of him until finally being disenchanted by gul’dan.

And vol’jin died to felguard.

Why did you remind me of this? Oh god…


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