Hand of Zul - Troll/Zandalari Guild (Plaguelands Campaign!)

Tonight, Zulians ventured into the Temple of Atal’Hakkar to investigate, and take care of a Hakkari threat lingering in the area. After stepping into multiple brutal traps and listening to ominous spirits, they faced against two powerful Hakkari - a Blood Prophet and a Blood Witch. As they were in their own domain, their power significantly surpassed the disadvantaged Zulians, forcing them to retreat out of the Temple.

Although the mission has been a failure, Zulians are now more aware of the threats that lurk within the swamps, and perhaps they can come up with a good way to counter the nasty voodoo in the future? To be continued in Season 2 of Chilling Zulian Adventures…


Cool bunch, much as I am afraid they’ll make my character overweight with constant offers of food too good to be denied.


After quite a few days of sticking to small scale guerilla attacks, the Hand, prepared for a relatively large battle, headed north, venturing to the lands known as “Westfall” to the hu’mons who live up north. Our goal: To snatch as many souls that might be wandering around as we can! Though we were met with resistance and eventually pushed back, we were able to get what we headed there for! We returned to the jungle triumphantly, ready to tap into the souls for… nobody-really-knows-what! Always being so secretive, that Warlord…

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Only good encounters with this lot. We’ve had a few emote battles and RP-PvP over the course of time. - Hoping to be caught off guard in STV again!


A few days ago, certain members of the Hand left the jungle, setting sail for the great desert of Tanaris, where they were welcomed by the local Sandfury tribe to the once great city of Zul’Farrak. After settling in and resting, the group headed further west, to the deep jungles of the Un’goro crater. There, they hunted and looted from the land and the wildlife, until one of the brutal inhabitants eventually forced them off. They’d return to Zul’Farrak bearing a couple of injuries, but twice as much treasure!
After that, it was time to sail back home, and thus they returned to Stranglethorn Vale, ready to make use of the exotic valuables they claimed.


Last night, the Hand sent some of its forces to duskwood, with the intent of sneaking into one of the many graveyards that line the province and snatching a few of the souls that reside there. As usual, they were met with resistance, as the moment they were detected, local adventurers quickly rushed to stop them, doing what they could to prevent too many souls from being captured by the trolls’ ritual. However, the Hand managed to prevent the ritual’s distruption, pushing back the adventurers and, having snatched enough souls to fully fill the container they used, returned to the Jungles before another counter attack could be sent against them.
Another victory for the Hand! \o/


The Zulians are heading to Pandaria VERY soon to finally conquer the lands promised to us by Zul I mean uhhh to seek knowledge, ancient artifacts and give some axe in head love to our beloved Pandaren!

Would be cool if we had Pandaria as one of the bastions of troll empire though…haha jk…unless :flushed:


Dammit, why can our sailing never go smoothly? We made a landfall in Pandaria, but not without encountering sea monsters and devastatingly hostile weather.

On a positive note, Yoka is -convinced- that the giant eel they encountered was in fact G’nathus. Unfortunately, nobody believes him…

Anyway, have some screenies from the journey! https://imgur.com/a/1Zuw2u4

Want to contribute to the imminent rebirth of the great Empire of Zul? Join us, and we shall succeed where the Dark Prophet has failed. :wink:


Thank you :heart::heart:

Hello once again!

Zulian campaign in Pandaria carries on, and soon enough we shall also join in the Defense of Pandaria campaign, most likely to plunder and pillage while the silly Horde and Alliance do all the work, heheh.

It seems like we’re nearing our destination, though. Who knows what treasures await?

https://imgur.com/a/vQIBOqC Have a snippet of our adventures so far!


Day 7 of my kidnapping, the trolls still didn’t cannibalise me.


Having found what they (presumably) came here for, the Hand set up a feast last night, and several promotions for the Hand’s more recent members were had, as particular courage was shown by them in the face of the hazards and danger imposed by the promised land to the trolls. However, as it turns out, they were not to leave for the jungles of Stranglethorn yet. The warlord had more plans before they would return, it would seem…

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First main event of Defense of Pandaria campaign is concluded; Zulians served both on the frontlines, and in the skies alongside their temporary Horde allies, to slaughter and rain fire upon the invasion of Yaungol!


The Hand soon departs from pandaria, most pleased with how things turned out! Having infiltrated the ranks of the Horde defenders, they played the nice, loyal trolls, until just the very end… For when the chance arose, and all defenders were away, fighting a crucial battle for the well-being of pandaria, the Hand instead ran back to the unmanned camp and pillaged as many supplies and equipment as they could, and then quickly left before the defenders returned to have a chance to stop them! :snake:

Sadly, there was a loss for the Hand, in all of that. They’d never get to see the reactions… :frowning:


The Skyguard return to camp, seeing their tents ruffled, some angry Dragonhawks. These they can deal with. But it is then they come across the biggest crime that causes Firescar and Ashleaf of the Skyguard to fall to their knees in tears. Their dinner. Has been eaten. Spilt to the floor. Callous uncaring and cruel. A scream comes from the officers tent as the Sergeant Everstride finds her ‘reading material: Gales that hold the never bride’ has been stolen. An enemy has been made this day.

Had so much fun RP’ing with this lot! Definitely worth the RP.


Acting all friendly around the Horde and briefly gaining their trust only to backstab them when they’re busy with battle? Sounds like just the thing Zulians would do!

In all honesty though, we aren’t the bad guys. We merely grabbed our well deserved payment to cover the travel expenses. :money_mouth_face:

Zin’taki wanders across the Zulian camp, he notices a book lying on top of one of the barrels… “Gales that hold the never bride” the book reads. He chuckles as he tosses it to the ground and steps on it to clean his feet. “Cleaning my feet is all that this elvish rubbish is good for” he mutters to himself before proceeding.

<3 you though, Thalassians!


The Hand has now returned to the jungles of stranglethorn, for some much needed relaxation.

Soon, a gathering will be held, where the plans for the future will be discussed and, perhaps, some people shall recieve promotions after having proven themselves in the campaign.