Hand of Zul - Troll/Zandalari Guild (Plaguelands Campaign!)

The Rp-pvp has been so much fun so far. Yoka got so many injuries I didn’t have enough space in my TRP to write them all, 10/10 would almost die again.


Good thing is, as a troll healer, my job is easy. All you do is tell mons to regenerate, then call you in the morning. :stethoscope:


The rppvp is picking up again, soon! Till then, can we maybe have a Ting Ting for our fallen deathspeaker? After what’s happened in a recent battle, she’s taken to talking to herself.


Yesterday we had a Trial of the Unproven where the new members were given a chance to prove themselves and become eligible for promotion. Their resolve, conviction and savagery were tested on the bloodied grounds of Gurubashi Arena!

Yes! As said! We have had our Trial of the Unproven of the month.

Our young hopefuls showing all their worth. I mean they’re Trolls. They have a lot of it!


I am pleased you guys DIDN’T raid my delivery down to Booty Bay, even if i almost ran down an unexpected old troll on my delivery bike


Tonight we’re branding our new lesser race “volunteers” we picked up along the way. They’ll be so happy! We even got them shiny metal bracelets!


The RPPvP continues! And with it, the great struggle, and the suffering, as the battles rage on… At least that’s what a peace loving hu’mon would say. As for us superior Trolls… We go to WAR! :dagger: :dagger: :dagger:

Just, don’t lose a limb. Then you’ll have to deal with the apprentices trying to regrow it. You don’t want that.


And so! The Knights and Reserve sought to push into Stranglethorn. The audacity! No Troll lives lost. Thank goodness. But both sides took a heavy hitting… Where will the next week take us?



Thanks to the Hand i found fun in even RP-PVP! Yay!

Just to add: There is no Sleeper Cell


Yesterday, Zulians took part in ceremony devoted to Bethekk, hosted by yours truly. Tonight, on the other hand, will be dedicated to Bwonsamdi with a little ritual!

We need dem blessings to drive the pinkskins outta our jungles :skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones:

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Nope, no sleeper cells here. What would that even be? A bacteria that sleeps…?

Do bacteria sleep? :thinking:

Phew… After quite the rppvp night yesterday, it’s time to go back to work. Hopefully the humons are enjoying this as well. We want their last days among the living to be interesting as well! :wink: :dagger:

(P.S: Did some research on bacteria sleeping or not. Bacteria lack a central nervous system, and thus don’t sleep like we do. So until further notice, Sleeper Cells don’t exist.)


Alright, i know that with all the blood cult rumours floating about, it might be becoming hard to believe, but really guys, there is no Sleeper Cell! Nothing fancy to see here! Nope.

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Why would anyone join a blood cult in the first place? They are so boring & useless.
Mira was a chosen member of a really big one, yet she never received the promised UNLIMITED POWAH (& rice pudding)… Oh, and the All-powerful Blood God was actually just a giant alien worm, who got easily crushed by a small group of pesky mortals.

I don’t need these weak gods anymore because I have THIS:

Blood Magic for Dummies (3rd edition)

Only 999.99 gold! Pre-order it NOW!!!


I’ll still never get over how scared I was for my character to walk through Stanglethorn when 20+ members of Hand of Zul were online. Only once did they nearly catch Stallnorth.


De jungles have ears and eyes :eyes:

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That is why I am careful of crossing that damn bridge into Stranglethorn IC now.


To make you feel better.

I’m not really fond of, alone, crossing into Duskwood either, to big a chance to get caught.

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The night before, the Hand issued a set of trials for the recent recruits of the cause to prove themselves. They were to test their bodies in combat, their minds in a trial, and their hearts in a test of obedience. The challenges were a success, with most of the members successfully earning their first promotion: From Unproven to Proven.

A few Gurubashi may or may not have been harmed during the making of said trials.