Hand of Zul - Troll/Zandalari Guild (Plaguelands Campaign!)

Last night, the trolls arrived to the hinterlands, responding to a call for help send by the Forest trolls. As they reached the provice, they would come across an unwelcome sight, as swarms of undead roamed the area, infecting as much as they could!
The trolls took temporary refuge in Shadra’alor, waiting for the night to settle, so that they could then sneak over to their intended destination: Jintha’alor. Yet as they reached the city, they would come to find it seemingly empty. What was more, they would find out they were followed by a group of humans and elves working under the Kul’Tiran marine and the Azure Dawn respectively!
They would engage in a skirmish, before realising the lesser races in turn had been followed by a great swarm of undead, now attempting to take over the city from the two groups. They would gradually be forced to retreat to a higher and higher level, before both eventually needed to barricade themselves in different corners of it, to safe themselves. Thus, the rest of the night would pass, with trolls and humans unlike cornered like mice, now trying to figure a way out.


And thus the campaign must come to an end.
There were deaths, there was healing. Beasts were missing and hearts were broken. Disguses were made and civilians were saved. Fights with the Marines and even the Skyguard were had, old debts will need to be settled.

The undead tried as they might threw everything they could at the Zulians, even towards the end blood magic was used to try and resurrect some monstrosity!

But the combined effort of Trolls and their de-evolved children that are called Elves managed to help defend the lands of Hinterlands and the Plague lands.
Now they must recuperate and gain their strength as they will travel back down to the jungles. Celebrations and promotions are to be had. Maybe a demotion or two for those who misbehaved.




The night before, a patroling group of the Hand of Zul came across a rather surprising sight, as they went over the coastline of the jungle: a group of naga that were trying to establish an outpost in the area! Though they managed to get close enough to have a good look, they were spotted and attacked. They’d be forced to retreat, and inform the rest, so that they would begin to prepare a more proper team to assault and take out the encampment before it can be properly fortified!


Having prepared in advance, a group of fighters ventured into the same coast, ready to take down the naga attempting to establish a foothold there! As the group approached the location, they would be quickly ambushed by a group of the fish-mons, attacked from two sides! Thankfully, the troll’s numbers managed to get them through the trap, and onto open field, where they would soon however be faced by a hulking Naga brute! That one had to be taken down quickly, before he could deal too much damage to their ranks, and the naga supporting him went down quickly after… Finally, came the encounter with the commander, who attempted to barrage the group from afar, not hesitating to have their own troops struck in the proccess! Alas, that very determination would eventually lead to said commander standing alone, and with no support against the group that’d quickly tear them down! In the end, the trolls emerged victorious, and would then return to the city in success. What are they going to set their sight on next? Only time will tell.

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One more night passes, one more attack at the woods to the North! Getting low on certain resources, the trolls will rob from the unsuspecting travellers what they cannot find in the jungle.

One day, perhaps, far from now, the humons will dread by the very mention of the Hand of Zul!

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Over the course of the week, the trolls would start to notice a decline in the jungle’s animal population. Upon investigating, they’d realise a small squad of fortune-seeking hunters had settled in the jungle, slaughtering, butchering and skinning anything that moved! Such could not stand.

A group of trolls would be sent to take them down, and after following their trail and avoiding traps that were set up (for the most part…) the trolls would come across the cave the hunters used as refuge. Although they would come to resist, the lesser races would eventually be slain by the trolls, and the threat would be averted.

Now, all that remained was to pay respects to the hunted children of the loa that couldn’t be saved… :tiger: :bat: :snake:


The Hand of Zul had an absolute blast in the Stranglethorn campaign - big thanks to the organisers, npcs and everyone else who came along!

This week we will focus on trying to cleanse Zul’Gurub from the damage that has occurred during the final battle. Burning the bodies, restoring some Loa shrines, and generally helping to set the Gurubashi on a right track of recovery before we sail to Zandalar…


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