In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Haomarush in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
Dizko STALLET, female, dwarf, rogue.
Looking for love
Rizolto, human warlock. Anyone from Royalty still around?
I think so! What was the guild leader’s name? Octavius? I can’t accurately remember the guild’s name so it might be Royalty. We also had a rogue called Baozhu that sometimes took the lead for raids.
I was a human paladin healer named Thermometer.
Patlican, human paladin
guild: “Enigma” and “Exiled”
also got some friends from “GRAMMERPOLICE”
remembering “Armand” gnome mage,GM of Enigma
probably the best raid leader i have ever met in my entire life
another human paladin named “Snake” best paladin player in whole WoW history^^
where are you guys 
Greetings ,
Bella human paladin
Sagab, night elf druid, Nobility/Royalty.
Woah, came here just for fun, didn’t imagine I would see two Royalty members so early!
Your nickname seems familiar, Rizolto.
And yeah, Octavius was the leader, at least when I played (up until we started with MC, then a bit on and off).
I remember Pinguu (a gnome mage that recruited me), Arcaniz (or something like that, dwarf priest), a night elf hunter I can’t remember the nickname of, and probably a lot more.
(If any of you got frustrated with me when I was assigned raid leader in ZG/AQ20, I’m sorry, it was at a short notice, I didn’t like it, and I had no clue what I was doing.
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Nice! Was that Night Elf Hunter called ‘Killerbees’? He’s an IRL friend of mine that was also a member of Royalty. We all loved his pet that aggroed a lot in MC
. I also remember a priest called ‘Appelgebak’.
I’m wondering if you guys have any pictures from back in the day. My hard disk crashed back in the day so I lost all my screenshots. I only have one screenshot of how my character looked, but nothing of the raiding/guild members.
I don’t think that was it, I only remember his real name, that starts with A.
I don’t think I have any screenshots, pretty sure I deleted them all in an effort to go cold turkey on WoW. 
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Get on Discord & accept the guild invite!
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I do not think I need an introduction 
Amazing to see Royalty members popping up after all these years. For old time memories, when our skills were edgy and my PC wasnt capable of playing and recording at the same time
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Måverne - Male Gnome Rogue. Was hoping to find Ninnja (Male Dwarf Rogue) And Tami (Male Dwarf Priest) After all these years. They were helping me soo much when i just started. And showed me alot of cool stuff 
Please do introduce you, you may be the hunter I was talking about
You were there from the Nobility times, right?
Haha yes,
I played Fevron (Night Elf hunter) and Aisling (NE Priest) from Nobility right up through Royalty until it’s dying day. You got it right with the A too
I helped Raid Lead and then Guild Lead after Octavius/Avaran left 
Yeah, I remember your nickname now.
My account got hacked when I didn’t play, and they deleted my whole friends list. 
Good seeing you again after all these years, Nobility/Royalty were good times, and you were a major part of it.
How long did Royalty go on for?
Wartoon, human warlock… Anyone from Lobotomize (mostly croatian/balkan ppl ) still playing or you will get started again?
Nostalgia is back
can’t wait 
Draco still playing? if i remember well you’re his bro? or am i mistaken?
Haha yea I am his brother indeed and he will be for Classic, otherwise we both had an on/off relationship with WoW over the last few expansions.