In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Horde side of Haomarush in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
Britishbull ! anyone that remembers me hit me up, also known as britneybull Lol… sweetdeath / littledevil etc etc
Leelah, Troll Rogue (my first lv.60 character)
Rolled on the server on day one (when it was named “Haumarush”) with irl friends. Good old 5-6 hour queues!
Joined Jotun during lvling. Left to join Grudge some weeks after getting 60 to do PvP. Eventually I was accepted in Envy but didn’t get to play there for long since alot of people from the server was gonna reroll on the freshly announced server named Ahn’Qiraj.
Decided to join them there instead of staying.
Marqa / Renjiin here if anyone remembers me give lets hit up in this thread,
have a good one
Moktarin, Warrior Tauren Tank. Used to maintank in a greek guild but not sure what they were called back then. Take care!
Blackhawk, Tauren Druid - created on day 1 of the server. Used to do lots of PvE raids with guild such as Incorporated, Future and Jotun and PvP stuff in a guild called Clearly teh Men.
Used to play with:
Endless - UD priest
Bobomber - mage
Ivory - UD Rogue
Beastye - Tauren warrior
Elysia - UD Warrior
Toxic - UD Rogue i think?
PaladinRules - Tauren shaman
Sailor - shaman
Drachula - Undead Rogue
Traitor - Orc Warrior
Was there on Day one moving accross from Aggrammar (Where I played Nazaal - Gnome Mage) and co-founding Hybrid Species.
Looking to reconnect with anyone that was around at the time. Or knew me after. 
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Hey guys !
I played in the guild Tyranical with my
hunter Freez and priest Freezorz
Hey guys!
I startet my first ever character on Haomarush at day 1. Tauren warrior with the name Darkmaster.
I started doing PvE with the guild Death Metal. And in the end of Vanilla i was in Noctum, progressing through AQ40.
I had my best gaming-time ever, with all the great people on the server.
If anybody remembers the fat tauren with the cheasy name Darkmaster, give me a message!
Hello Blackie! Guess who’s back to business? 
Damn, it’s 14 years but I swear I remember our raids and most of the folks like it was yesterday.
I would add lots of names to that list but I’m looking forward to meet all of you guys from Incorporated, NoMoreNexus, Jotun and GREAT SUCCESS eventually.
Btw, it was Toxin, our GM from Slovenia, and he played UD lock ^^
So, Golemagg or Shazzrah?
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Lazo - UD mage here and Bostaph after TBC on Paladin
Will be nice to see “old people” from Future , Revelation and etc.
Especially Bubie and Grindcore…
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Trissa - shaman , looking for people from Incorporated,No MORE NEXUS and GREAT SUCCESS - has Emicron and Codo on close friends.
On coming Classic I will be on Shazzrah .
And Blackhawk, the rogue that you think wasn’t Toxin, that was Bio with thunderfury…may be
Endless! Great to hear from you! Can’t believe its been so long - them 40 man raids in the early days were so much fun.
I was thinking of rolling on Shazzrah but i’m easy…
Quite a bit has happened in 14 years, so wont be online much at all, but let me know where you roll and we can keep i touch.
Yes i remember now toxic was the UD Warlock, i was thinking of Bio the rogue who got the legendary sword. I remember helping bio down in the desert complete the quest line to get that thing…
Trissa, i remeber you - i think we were in the same guild at some point…
Your right too, i was thinking of Bio
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Trissa, you prehistoric Bulgarian wow-addict, why don’t you say hello to your Russian buddy?
In case your memory fails you, which is possible as you were around 40’s back then and should be in your mid 50’s now, we raided with you from old Inc all the way to GS. In TBC I rolled female orc shaman just like you ^^
So be it, lets go to Shazzrah and casually keep in touch, old fellas!
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Hey, Endless my Russian vodka addicted friend! (i remember pics on you try to steal vodka from other balcony on the 14-15 floor outside in the Saint Peters-burg snowy winter!) . Yes I admit it , I’m old as Holy bible :), 50 ye… And ye ,we played like all vanilla, tbc etc content in the same guild! How is possible to forgot! Endlessa? was is the name of your female orc shaman? 
What class/race you guys gonna go for?
I’m thinking i wouldnt mind trying UD Rogue…good for ganking in STV 
Bostaph is a name i can remember. Think i’ve been in HS for a little while. My IRL friend has been a warlock (Daminian) in your guild for a few more years.