Harbinger Quest Line Can't Progress (Mob tag/kill)(The Path Taken)

Stuck at Quest The Path Taken. Can’t tag mobs because of faction tag and massive crowd.


Same here, more terrible quest design - it’s not like this hasn’t happened before. I’ll come back later when hopefully things have quietened down.


is the one with 3 enemies and 3 memories? spawn aoe till you hit. did it in 10 mins.

Same issue here, also AOE spam is no option as Evoker.
So please either fix it by scaling mob health with player count or just award the progress when someone in the area kills it…


Why blizzard doesn’t make story quests instanced ? 100 people spamming aoe really breaks the quest and the immersion


The real problem are people selfishly creating groups. If they did not do this everyone could tag it. All they need to do is change this and let everyone irrespective of in a group or not tag it.

I was there earlier and players literally asked in chat to NOT do this but it was all for naught. Still I just aoe’d and eventually got to move on.

Just spam AOE abilities, you eventually get them.

We’ve been killing target dummies for 15 minutes now, sigh


I wonder what the job requirements looks like at Blizzard in 2024. I can’t help but feel anyone capable of pressing a button can land a gig xD

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… I have just popped across and oh my word, I understand - what a total cluster F … there must be 50+ people at each of the 3 areas spamming - no way I have a chance in hell tagging anything :rage:

Been there almost half an hour and can’t tag them … and this isn’t even the busy time /cry - logged off

Update - ok, logged back on… went to the other side and I kid you not, a whole lot of players disappeared in front of my eyes! … got one done, went to the middle, got that and on the 3rd one there were a group of players but got it on my 3rd set of mobs :+1:


I tried for ages to get this quest done, but finally decided to come back another day. Now the quest is only half done and i have no idea how to get back.
Any suggestions?