Hardcore deaths do not display correctly

I’m playing on Hardcore (Nekrosh horde) and I am missing a lot of player deaths even though I correctly activated the options.

I play with a french client. I have Deathlog installed.

I have correctly selected “All deaths” for all options in the interfact menu.
I am correctly in the “HardcoreDeaths” channel. However, when I go on the channel config, I see than I can join a channel called “Morts extrêmes” but when I click on it the game tells me theres an incorrect password (???).

Screenshots (these are Imgur codes but I can’t include links)

  • Interface options : ShSvgEX
  • “Morts extrêmes” channel : T14FWgY

Any solution? Is it a bug or a config problem?

Probably better off contacting the addon author. Its also possible some random player password protected the channel (if its supposed to not be).

The problem isn’t with Deathlog. Disabling it doesn’t change anything. I don’t get why it doesn’t work for me. No other players seem to have that issue.

I’m not saying it’s necessarily an issue with the addon, but you’re likely not the first person to run into it and if anyone’s familiar with the problem it’s likely the addon author that’s using the setup.

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